Frequently asked questions regarding Wind Mitigation Inspections

Consumers, Real Estate Professionals, and Insurance Agents have many questions about Wind Mitigation Inspections. We would like to take this opportunity to answer frequently asked questions:
In 2005 the Florida Legislature passed a law requiring all residential property insurance companies to file with the Office of Insurance Regulation a range of premium discounts they offer customers who live in homes of certain construction types or who apply loss mitigation devices (shutters, impact windows, etc.) to their homes. Florida began requiring ALL licensed residential property insurance companies in Florida to accept a state form (OIR-B1-1802) as verification that a property has been mitigated. In short, certain items reported on the form require Insurance companies to offer discounts to home owners for protecting their home from damage during high wind storms such as tropical storms and hurricanes.

Over the past couple of years, the form and Inspection methods have changed. The changes have required the Inspectors to conduct more preliminary research into the property as well as place themselves at more risk of injury by having to navigate far reaches of the attic space in order to verify certain roof components. As with any other profession, when someone places themselves in a hazardous situation (such as exploring far reaches of a 130-160 degree attic), they should be compensated for doing so. Would you place yourself at risk without being rewarded?
We are not the cheapest nor are we the most expensive inspection company in Tallahassee. Our pricing is fair and very competitive considering the quality and attention to detail our clients expect.

The most common reason why home owners do not receive full credit for having hurricane shutters on the property is that they have “skipped” one opening such as a skylight, bathroom window, etc. Insurance companies look for the “weakest” point when determining if credits should be applied. Read your report carefully and discuss with your Inspector. You may want to consider obtaining protection for that “weakest” point in order to capitalize on your credits.

Credits for discounts vary by Insurance Company. Your Inspector only reports on the facts found during the Inspection and cannot tell you what credits will be applied. You should contact your Insurance Agent in order to determine how credits will be applied to your policy.

There are many different reasons why the age of the roof shown within the report may differ from that which is verbally expressed by a Seller. Even though someone may verbally express to the Inspector that the roof was recently replaced, the Inspector MUST verify through documentation in order to avoid committing FRAUD on the report. This includes verifying local building permits and/or obtaining original documentation from the Roofing Contractor. If this documentation does not exist, the Inspector must list the age of the most recent documentation available. Keep in mind that the Inspector is responsible for ALL information provided on the report and may be subject to criminal penalties if he/she cannot support findings.

Most important is access to the attic. Your Inspector will need to access the attic in order to verify roof attachment components. Clearing the attic hatch from obstructions PRIOR to the Inspector’s arrival is essential.


Contact us today with questions or to schedule an appointment for your inspection!